Cupressus  dupreziana

A. Camus 1926 in Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 32(1) p.101.

Cupressus dupreziana in its natural range, photos by Messaoud Ramdani.

1st year cones
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
September 2005
1st year cones
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
September 2005
Maturing 2nd year cones
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
September 2005
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Shoot with immature male strobili
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
November 2008

Close-up of the strobili :
Male strobili
soon ready to release pollen
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Immature female cones
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Shoot with maturing cone
and one open mature cone
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Cones with different maturing times
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Cones at maturity
The cones are opening only on one side
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Mature cones
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Weathered cones
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Cupressus dupreziana Seeds Seeds
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.

Click on some of the seeds for enlargement.
Photos ©
19 December 2005