Cupressus  torulosa

D. Don 1824

Kalamuni Pass near Munsyari, Uttarakhand, India.
Road to the Kalamuni Pass.
The tall trees are mostly Cupressus torulosa and some Abies pindrow. Abies pindrow seems to grow at a bit higher altitude.
Also a lot of evergreen Quercus semecarpifolia. A nice tree also for aboretums! Also some Trachycarpus takil here. The rock is a kind of schist (see below).
Cupressus torulosa Cupressus torulosa
Left : Trunk of Cupressus torulosa with the guide for scale. Unfortunately this tree was being cut.
Right : Stump of a tree cut earlier. The plant in front is Hedychium spicatum, a cold hardy ginger. Acer in the background.
Cupressus torulosa Cupressus torulosa
Cupressus torulosa in habitat. November 2011.
Cupressus torulosa Cupressus torulosa
April 2010.
Cupressus torulosa Cupressus torulosa Cupressus torulosa
Cupressus torulosa
From left to right : two shoots of Quercus semecarpifolia, one of Betula alnoides, Cupressus torulosa and Abies pindrow.
Notice the very young cones of Cupressus torulosa, not more than 3 or 4 months old.
Abies pindrow : notice the smaller needles of the previous year.
Cupressus torulosa
About the sort of rocks in the Kalamuni area : it is not limestone.
[Cupressus torulosa is often recorded as growing on limestone soils.]
There is some sort of mica and schist (as illustrated by the following pictures).
Trachycarpus takil Trachycarpus takil
Abies pindrow
Abies pindrow Abies pindrow Abies pindrow Abies pindrow
Trachycarpus takil
Trachycarpus takil in dense pristine forest, Kalamuni.
Trachycarpus takil Trachycarpus takil
The following picture gives an idea of how Trachycarpus takil grows in the wild.
Looking through binoculars, it is possible to spot many more on inaccesible cliffs in the background.
Trachycarpus takil Trachycarpus takil
Trachycarpus takil with plenty of fruits.
Trachycarpus takil
As can be seen on this photo, Trachycarpus takil is clearly not affected by fire.
They had some black traces of fire on the trunks but where doing very well.
Trachycarpus takil

Photos & comments © Alexander Nijman

17 March 2012